Thursday, March 14, 2013

God's Value of Weakness

I hate admitting that I am weak.  I'll go to great lengths before I admit to myself, or someone else, that I don't have the ability to do something. It is common for us all.  It is part of our sin nature to function in a sort of self-sufficient way, proving our own ability and strength to do things. But is this the way God intended us to live?
The more I learn about prayer and the more I live in God's Word, the more I see his value in weakness. Recently our church has been looking at Gideon in the book of Judges.  God calls Gideon in a moment of great weakness (Judges 6). Sadly, it does not appear Gideon finished his life in weakness and his downward spiral of character proves it.

But God's Word places a great value on our weakness. It seems to appear as a virtue in the New Testament. Here are two reminders that God values weakness in the lives of his children.

Christ's power in my weakness: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor 12:9)

I find my identity in Christ through weakness: "For we are also weak in him" (2 Cor 13:4) 

During a season of feeling great weakness I prayed this morning: "Father, meet me in my weakness." I'm not sure how he will answer this but I trust that he will. My Father is always good and he values my weakness.

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