I wrestled with
this question for years: when is the right time to enter the ministry? A little background might help. The Lord Jesus saved me at sixteen and I
experienced a pretty radical transformation.
I knew I desired to serve Him with my life somehow. So you could say that my call to ministry
came soon after my conversion as a teenager.
But I knew that I lacked training, so I went to Bible college and
seminary. That took approximately 10
years of my life—I also gained a cute wife and three precious kids during that
time. But over those years I wrestled
with when I would be “ready” to begin full-time ministry. Even between college and seminary I wrestled
with the decision to either find a ministry position or further my
education. I think it is right to say
that for many years I did not believe that I was ready. A quote that I stumbled across today during
my sermon prep may have helped me in those days and may be a help to someone
else in the future:
“No matter
how much exegesis, theology, and counseling one has studied, one is never
‘prepared for the ministry.’ A genuine
call to ministry always calls us to that which we are not adequately
prepared. It is only in awareness of
such that the Christian experiences the presence and promise of Jesus Christ,
and learns to depend not on human capabilities but on the one who calls and in
the power of the proclamation to authenticate itself.” (James Edwards The Gospel of Mark, p. 183)
Now I fully
trust in the sovereignty of God and His timing for me to enter ministry. Furthermore, I think there is wisdom in
waiting a little longer to enter ministry rather than taking a pastorate early in
life. Life experience is a huge help in
ministry and I know very few men in their early twenties who have the maturity
to shepherd. But for myself, there may
have been more of a tendency to trust in developing my own capabilities rather
than depending on Christ and His strength.
With that said, when is the right time to enter ministry? My answer: when you are keenly aware that
your own human capabilities are nothing and the presence and promise of Christ
are everything!